Mikor rá gondolsz sírni kezdesz... Mikor látod, hogy online van, a hasadba valami fura érzés fészkelődik és a szíved tízszer olyan gyorsan ver... Mikor látod, mosolyogsz, anélkül, hogy észrevennéd... Mindez azt jelenti, hogy valami nem fogja engedni, hogy feledd.
When you think about him, you start to cry...When he gets online your tummy gets that feeling and your heart beats ten times faster...When you see him you smile without even knowing it...That means there's something that wont let you give up!
When you think about him, you start to cry...When he gets online your tummy gets that feeling and your heart beats ten times faster...When you see him you smile without even knowing it...That means there's something that wont let you give up!